If you have a dog that has been diagnosed with parvo, then you likely have a lot of questions about what to do next. One of the biggest questions on people’s minds is how long should their dog be isolated? In this blog post, we will explore what experts say about how long a dog with parvo should be isolated. We will also discuss some tips for helping your dog through this difficult time.
What is Parvo?
Parvovirus is more commonly known as Parvo. It is a highly contagious virus that affects dogs of all ages, but young puppies are especially vulnerable. The virus causes severe gastrointestinal upset, including vomiting and diarrhea.
Once infected, the virus attacks the gastrointestinal tract and bone marrow and damages the immune system. This in turn reduces their white blood cell count which can cause secondary bacterial infections.
Secondary infections can lead to organ failure and death. However, the most common reason for the high mortality rates is fluid loss which causes electrolyte imbalances and severe dehydration.

The virus is often spread through contact with feces from an infected dog, so it is important to keep your dog away from areas where other dogs have been known to relieve themselves. If your dog does contract Parvo, early aggressive treatment is essential for a quick and full recovery. Survival rates can be between 85-90% if treated properly.
Treatment for parvo typically involves hospitalization and intensive supportive care. With prompt veterinary care, most dogs will make a full recovery from Parvo within a few weeks. However, the virus can be deadly for puppies and young dogs who are not yet fully vaccinated with the parvo vaccine.
For this reason, it is important to isolate any dog that is showing signs of parvo. It is also important to make sure your dog is up-to-date on all of their vaccinations and to keep them away from other unvaccinated dogs.
How can Parvovirus spread to your dog?
Parvo is spread through contact with feces from an infected dog. The virus can live in the environment for months and can be especially hard to eliminate from carpeting and other soft surfaces.
This means that even if your dog has never been around an infected animal, it can still contract the virus if they come into contact with contaminated materials.
Contact occurs via:
- Direct dog to dog contact.
- Dog interacting with feces of an infected dog (such as sniffing or eating)
- Indirect contact. This is typically done by pet owners and people who have viral particles on their clothing – especially footwear.
- Exposure to contaminated water bowls, shoes, clothes, leashes, or infected pee or feces
incubation period of Parvovirus in dogs
The incubation period is between 3 to 7 days before the first signs of Parvo.

Signs and symptoms of Parvovirus
Symptoms of Parvo include:
- Lack of appetite or anorexia
- Abdominal pain
- Severe diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Smelly bloody diarrhea
- Increased heart rate
- Sore/swollen tummy
- Depression
- Lethargy and weakness
- Fever and reduced white blood cell count
How long should a dog with parvo be isolated?
There is no definitive answer to this question as it will vary depending on the individual dog and the severity of the case. Generally speaking, however, it is recommended that dogs with parvo be isolated for at least four weeks.
During this time, it is important to ensure that they remain isolated from other animals and are kept in a clean and sanitary environment. Failure to do so could result in the spread of the virus to other animals.
Until they test negative on a PCR test or are cleared by their veterinarian. This is typically around four weeks after they are first diagnosed.
If you have any questions or concerns, please consult with your veterinarian.
How should I quarantine my dog with parvo?
Once a dog is infected with Parvo they are highly contagious for several weeks. For this reason, it is important to isolate any dog that is showing signs of parvo. The isolation period should last at least three weeks, and often up to four as mentioned above.
The word quarantine means to isolate. We are not talking about some cold and damp basement away from all human contact! These guys are recovering and need a warm, comfortable spot to recuperate.
A quarantine area is ideally a room in your house that is specifically set aside for your infected pup.
The ideal Quarantine setup:
- Confined to a small room or space of approximately 40-90sqm
- Surfaces that are easily cleanable – no carpets or rugs
- No soft furnishings such as couches, cushions, or armchairs.
- Ideally no curtains – they are a pain to clean
- You can use either a pet or baby playpen for the period. A crate is too small for long-term quarantine. You can use the crate overnight.
- There is still likely to be some diarrhea and perhaps even some vomiting when your dog comes home from the vet. Use puppy (or baby) pee pads secured down on the floor – alternatively use newspaper to place on the floor for accidents.
- Use towels and sheets that are easy to clean – not thick blankets
- Have gloves on hand to clean up any accidents and to clean the area.
- Make sure to dispose of any contaminated waste (such as the pee pads) in a secured thick plastic bag to ensure no animals can get into it and risk spreading the virus.
- Make sure the area is clean and free of any other animals. Your dog should have its own food, water, and bed. And you will need to change the bedding and disinfect the entire area on a regular basis.
- Your dog should have no contact with other dogs or puppies and only be in contact with one or two people. The reason for this is that the Parvo Virus particles can be spread on our clothes and shoes. So you want to minimize the number of people coming into contact with the infected dog to minimize the spread of parvo.
- Keep a moderate room temperature of 70-75 degrees Fahrenheit as your pup may have a low body temperature. Ensure there are no drafts.
How long is a dog contagious after parvo?
Typically, a dog is no longer contagious after about two weeks but they continue to be contagious for up to four weeks. However, it is important to continue to monitor your dog for signs of infection even after they have stopped being contagious.
If you are not sure if they are still contagious talk to your vet about doing a repeat on the Elisa test. This is done with a fecal swab.
How long is parvo shed after recovery?
This is a difficult question to answer. Parvo shedding can vary from dog to dog and even within the same dog at different times. Typically, parvovirus is most highly contagious immediately before and after the onset of symptoms. However, some dogs may continue to shed the virus for weeks after recovery. That is why it is so important to quarantine your dog.
How long is parvo contagious in my home?
Parvovirus can hang around in the environment and your house for a long time after your dog has recovered. The virus is very hardy and can survive in soil and on surfaces for months.
This is one of the reasons why it is important to confine your dog to a small, easily cleanable area rather than give them free rein of the home.
How do I clean my house after parvo?
It is also important to clean all surfaces and objects that your dog has come in contact with using a bleach solution or product that states it kills Parvo such as Virkon. Be sure to wear gloves and a mask when cleaning up after your dog.
Proper cleaning with bleach is the best way to eliminate virus particles. Bleach has been shown to inactivate parvovirus if it is in contact with a 1:20 dilution for ten minutes. The bleach must be able to reach the virus, so all organic material must be removed beforehand.
Clean and disinfect any bedding and surfaces at least three times once your dog has recovered.

How do you know parvo is gone?
Parvo is a microscopic virus that is difficult to detect and impossible to see with the naked eye. If you follow the above protocol you are more likely to destroy any remaining virus particles.
How long after parvo can a dog be around other dogs?
In general, it is recommended that dogs with parvo be isolated from other dogs for at least two weeks after the last symptoms have disappeared. However, some experts recommend even longer periods of isolation, up to four weeks, just to be on the safe side. Avoid areas such as dog parks for at least four weeks.
How long can parvo live on clothes?
Parvo can survive on clothing for up to six months so It’s critical to clean them thoroughly. If possible, use a color-safe bleach solution on items made of cloth, carpeting, soft furnishings, apparel, and bedding. You may want to wash them 2-3 times and air dry them in the sun.
How soon can I walk my dog after parvo?
You can walk your dog three to four weeks after complete recovery from Parvovirus
How long should you wait to get another dog after parvo?
This is another one of those difficult questions. I had a client once who had a dog that died of Parvo. They then got a puppy 18 months later that ended up getting infected with parvo. Don’t worry the puppy survived! but we figured out it had likely got it from soil in the yard which was very heavily shaded.
If you suspect your dog contaminated your yard and it is sunny with well-draining soil. It is typically recommended by experts to wait at least one year to get a new puppy.
If you have a very shaded yard with damp spots you may want to wait up to two years.
The alternative is to get a fully vaccinated older puppy or dog if you don’t want to wait that long or not allow your young pup out into the yard will they are fully vaccinated.
Does sunlight kill parvo?
Yes, direct sunlight can kill parvovirus in soil within hours.
How much does it cost to treat parvo?
The cost of treatment for parvo can range from $500 to $2,000, depending on the severity of the disease and the type of treatment required.
How long does Parvo live in the carpet?
The Parvovirus can live for a long time under the right circumstances. For example, it can survive in dirt, concrete, and soil – especially if it is damp or shady. It may also live for up to six months in textiles and carpets.
how long is Parvo contagious in the ground?
Canine parvovirus can survive the longest on outdoor surfaces such as the ground from four months to a year. Parvo will survive longest in shady or damp areas and has been known to survive for up to two years in the most favorable conditions.
What kills Parvo besides bleach?
There are a few things that can kill Parvo:
– bleach (1 part bleach to 20 parts water)
– alcohol
– quaternary ammonium compounds/ household cleaners that state they kill Parvo
– extreme heat or cold (-20°C/-4°F or 60°C/140°F)
What disinfectant kills Parvo?
Your regular Janola diluted 1:20 parts kills Parvo if left on for 10-15 minutes.
How do you clean your couch after Parvo?
This is tricky indeed! Wash your cushions with color-safe bleach and air dry in the sun. You can also steam clean above 140°F. You may also want to place the couch in direct sun for a day.
How do I clean my yard after Parvo?
The best thing to do is wait until the ground has frozen over or is extremely hot and then till the soil. If you have a grassy area, you may want to reseed. You can also use chemicals such as ammonium sulfate or lime to kill the virus.
Can you be around a dog with parvo?
Dogs with parvo are highly contagious and you should take precautions to avoid contact with them. Since humans cannot contract Parvo the biggest concern is that you will spread the virus on your footwear or clothes to other dogs.
If you must be around a dog with parvo, wear gloves, and protective clothing. Avoid coming into direct contact with the dog’s saliva, feces, or vomit.
Can humans get parvo from dogs?
No, humans cannot get parvo from dogs.
Summing Up
You should now have a good understanding of how long your dog with parvo should be isolated, as well as some other important information about this deadly virus.
The best way you can prevent your dog from getting parvo is by getting them vaccinated. Remember, if you have any further questions, always consult with a veterinarian.

Dr. Elly has always loved animals, and she knew from a young age that she wanted to be a veterinarian. After studying hard in veterinary school, she practiced in several different countries before moving to North Carolina with her husband and young family. She currently works part time as a veterinarian while caring for her 4 busy children and writing this blog. Dr. Elly genuinely cares about the welfare of her patients. She currently has three dogs, two cats, 5 chickens and 2 rabbits (yes a bit of a zoo!)
My 1 pound puppy teacup chihuahua has recovered from parvo virus is it necessary for her to have another parvo test after 3 weeks of isolation
It depends on her attitude, You can better understand her condition cause you are with her. After 3 weeks of isolation, she should be recovered. If you have any doubt you can test again. But from our experienced doctor “There is no need to test again If she feels better”.